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Present: Announcement About Our Breeding Program
We would like to announce that we are no longer actively breeding Cane Corsos. In order to balance our lives we no longer have the time to dedicate to breeding. We will, of course, continue to support the dogs that we placed over the years. We are very grateful for all the amazing families and individuals we met over the years, who became a part of our Darkstone Family.
April 3, 2022
Rosie has done it again! She qualified in 3 of 4 Superior runs at the Sniff Alberta UCK Nosework Trial in Calgary! She comes away with her Superior Container (SC) title and one leg toward her Superior Interior title. Good Girl Rosie-Roo!
October 31, 2021
Rosie attended the Halloween Scent Detection Trial. She played in Excellent Exteriors and qualified in Excellent Interiors and Containers with 3rd Place Overall in the Working Stream.
October 3. 2021
Rosie achieved the final Excellent Interior Q that she needed for her SDDA Master Championship at the Doglogix SDDA Scent Detection Trial this weekend!! She is the FIRST CANE CORSO to achieve this title! Rosie started her journey in 2016 and what achievements she had made...That's a whole lot of letters after her name.
'Rosie' aka CKC CH SD-MACH UR01 Serafina's She's A Pinup Girl @ Darkstone SD-E SD-A-SP SD-GA SD-GT PTM AN NN CW-Ob1 CW-Ob2 CW-SD CGN HIC
July 18, 2021
This weekend Rosie attended the Sniff Alberta UKC Nosework Trial in Calgary. Rosie had a fantastic weekend qualifiying in 5 or 6 runs including our first try at a Superior Exterior.
June 27, 2021
YAY!!! Rosie and Tracey did it! Rosie got the last Excellent Interior that she needed for her SDDA Championship!
April 11, 2021
Rosie and Tracey attended the Sniff Alberta UKC Nosework trial in Calgary. Rosie achieved UKC Novice Nosework title, her Advanced Containers title and her Advanced Interior title.
July 14, 2019
We attended the EKKOC Dog Show where The Canadian Cane Corso Association National Specialty was being held. 'Raven' aka Darkstone's Little Black Bird Won Best In Specialty from the classes! Huge thank you to Ms. Honey Glendinning! Raven also won Breed at two All Breed Shows! We also brought Harley aka AKC CKC Dual Grand CH Darkstone's King Of The Road out of retirement to attend the Specialty as a Veteran. He showed like the champ he is and won Best Veteran and Best of Opposite!